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My research aims to identify challenging problem in modern chemistry then understand the concepts and mechanisms leads to find better solution.

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Who I Am

I am Shekaraiah Devari received Ph.D. in chemistry from the Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine, Jammu, India, with Dr. Bhahwal Ali Shah. During my doctoral studies, I have a great interest in organic chemistry and have plenty of experience in the development of novel synthetic methodologies that resulted in published 14 international publications. I am currently working as Postdoctoral Researcher at The Ohio State University since June 2018. Before here I have worked as a Senior Research Associate at AMRI (Albany Molecular Research Inc.) Hyderabad, India, for 1 Yr 10 months. My current work is focused on the synthesis of small molecules and peptides for DNA and RNA binding. Outside the professional work, I love playing and watching cricket, chitchat with friends and listening to music.

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From Theory to Reality

Home: Research

1.  S. Devari and B. A. Shah, Visible Light Mediated Chemo-selective Oxidation of Benzylic
Alcohols (Tetrahedron Lett. 2016, 57, 3294–3297; (Note: Selected for cover page).

2.  S.  Devari and  B.  A.  Shah, Visible  light-promoted  C–H  functionalization  of  ethers  and electron-deficient arenes, Chem. Commun. 2016, 52, 1490.
3.  S.  Devari, A.  Kumar,  R.  Deshidi and  B.  A.  Shah, C-H  Functionalization  of Terminal 
Alkynes Towards  Stereospecific  Synthesis  of  (E)  or  (Z)  2-Methylthio-1,4-ene-diones, Chem. Commun. 2015, 51, 5103.
4.  S.  Devari,  M.  Kumar,  R.  Deshidi  M.  Rizvi,  and  B.  A.  Shah,  A  general  metal-free 
approach for the stereoselective synthesis of C-glycals from unactivated alkynes, Beilstein 
J. Org. Chem. 2014, 10, 2649.
5.  S. Devari, R. Deshidi, M. Kumar, A. Kumar, S. Sharma, M. Rizvi, M. Kushwaha, A. P. 
Gupta and  B. A.  Shah, Osmium  (VI)  catalyzed  chemoselective  oxidation  of  allylic  and 
benzylic alcohols, Tetrahedron Lett. 2013, 54, 6407.
6.  S. Devari, S. Jaglan, M. Kumar, R. Deshidi, S. Guru, S. Bhushan, M. Kushwaha, A. P. 
Gupta,  S.  G.  Gandhi,  J.  P.  Sharma,  S.  C.  Taneja,  R.  A.  Vishwakarma,  B.  A.  Shah, 
Capsaicin  production  by  Alternaria  alternata,  an  endophytic  fungus  from  Capsicum 
annum; LC–ESI–MS/MS analysis Phytochemistry 2014, 98, 183.
7.  S. Sharma, S. Sultan, S. Devari and Bhahwal Ali Shah Radical-Radical Cross Coupling of 
Photo-excited Fluorenones Org. Biomol. Chem., 2016, 14, 9645.
8.  R.  Deshidi, S.  Devari M. A.  Rizvi, and  B.  A.  Shah, Regio-Selective  Phosphation  and 
Phosphonation of 9-fluorenones. ChemistrySelect 2016, 1, 6040.
9.  R. Deshidi, S. Devari, M. Kushwaha, A. P. Gupta, R. Sharma, R. Chib,  I. A.  Khan, S. 
Jaglan,  and  B.  A.  Shah, Isolation  and  Quantification  of  Alternariols  from  Endophytic 
Fungus, Alternaria alternata: LC-ESI-MS/MS Analysis. ChemistrySelect 2017, 2, 364. 
10.  R. Deshidi, M. Kumar, S. Devari, and B. A. Shah, A general metal free approach to α-ketoamides via oxidative amidation–diketonization of terminal alkynes, Chem. Commun.
2014, 50, 9533.
11.  R. Deshidi, S. Devari, and B. A. Shah, Iodine-Promoted Oxidative Amidation of Terminal 
Alkenes - Synthesis  of  Î±-Ketoamides,  Benzothiazoles,  and  Quinazolines, Eur.  J.  Org. 
Chem. 2016, 1428.
12.  R.  Deshidi, S. Devari, and  B.  A.  Shah,  Metal  free  access  to  quinolines via C–C  bond 
cleavage of styrenes, Org. Chem. Front. 2015, 2, 515.
13.  M.  Kumar, S.  Devari,  A.  Kumar, S.  Sultan,  Q.  N.  Ahmed, M.  Rizvi  and  B.  A 
Shah,Copper(II)-Triflate-Catalyzed Oxidative Amidation of Terminal Alkynes: A General 
Approach to α-Ketoamides, Asian J. Org. Chem, 2015, 4, 438.
14.  S.  Sultan,  M.  Kumar, S.  Devari,  D.  Mukherjee,  and  B.  A.  Shah, Copper–Manganese 
Spinel  Oxide  Catalyzed  Synthesis  of  Amides  and  Azobenzenes  via  Aminyl  Radical 
Cations, ChemCatChem 2016, 54, 6407.  

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Petri Dish

Building upon work done by a former lab colleague, I have developed a powerful tool for use in the identification and characterization of the processes in my model system. A major advantage of this development is its improved sensitivity, which allows it to detect subtle dynamic property changes in response to my experimental setup.

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Embryonic Stem Cells

Building upon work done by a former lab colleague, I have developed a powerful tool for use in the identification and characterization of the processes in my model system. A major advantage of this development is its improved sensitivity, which allows it to detect subtle dynamic property changes in response to my experimental setup.

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Embryonic Stem Cells

Building upon work done by a former lab colleague, I have developed a powerful tool for use in the identification and characterization of the processes in my model system. A major advantage of this development is its improved sensitivity, which allows it to detect subtle dynamic property changes in response to my experimental setup.

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Closeup of a Petri Dish

Building upon work done by a former lab colleague, I have developed a powerful tool for use in the identification and characterization of the processes in my model system. A major advantage of this development is its improved sensitivity, which allows it to detect subtle dynamic property changes in response to my experimental setup.

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